PCB and Electrical Design

Has worked on electrical engineering design for several years as part of electrical racing and aerospace design teams as well as various instructor positions using skills such as simulation in programs such as CircuitLab and LTSpice as well as actual design and implementation in all stages of development in programs such as Altium and Solidworks

IOT Medication Board

PillBot uses a variety of sensors and indicators to alert patients of which medications to take and when in addition to recording whether or not the patient performed an action to actually take their prescription, to ensure that they do not miss a dose. Designed using Altium and programmed using Atmel Studio.

Photo: Finished Final Board (Left)

More details and video demo can be found here: Link

480 V DC-DC

Designed and assembled a DC-DC which converts the High Voltage input from the car's main accumulator to a usable 12V and 15V output through the use of a cascaded DC-DC switching. Maintains isolation through both physical separation and the use of an opto-isolator. Board is necessary to power all boards, pumps, and fans on the car as these require a large amount of power which cannot be sustainably provided by a low voltage battery back alone

Photos: Top level schematic (Top Right), Physical Board (Left & Right), Routed layers (Middle)

AMS Substack Interface

Using Solidworks and Altium, worked to create a solution to the stress placed upon the flexible PCB Cellink used to connect 18650s in the primary structure and attach the AMS SV Monitoring Board. Optimized for weight in final design

Photo: Integration in new substack (Left), Old Format (Top Right), Actual Board (Bottom Right)

Standalone Data Logger

Currently working to implement a board using an STM32 and Rasberyy Pi Compute 3+ module to monitor and log all subsytems of the car. This data is then communicated to a wireless device through XBEE Radio signals or WiFi. In case these connection methods are unusable, a back up record of all data is stored on a local SD card and manual connectivity is provided through a USB. Currently working on the routing of a Test Board designed to verify the usefulness of the Raspi module

Photos: New Schematic (Bottom), STM32 Based Board (Right)

High Voltage Indicator Light

Designed a test board to demonstrate the practicality of using a Texas Instruments chip in order to demonstrate the capability of using the High Voltage Pack to directly power an LED light up circuit in order to have a warning indicator that high voltage is present outside of the accumulator primary of the car

Photo Carousel: Routing, Physical Board

Chest Mounted Search and Rescue Light

Created a PCB and accompanying case using a 3D printer and PLA to function as a portable, rechargeable light using two CREE LEDs powered by one 18650 with recharge built in. Has multiple on board modes including low power, strobe, and regular illumination

Photos: Solidworks Render of finished product (Top Right), 3D PCB (Left), Schematic (Middle), Routing (Right)

See Also: CAD and Manufacturing

Radio Transmitter

Using Circuit Lab simulation, designed and simulated a working, self powered radio transmitter and receiver setup to take in an audio signal from a standard audio jack and wirelessly transmit the signal to a speaker

Photos: Full Schematic (Left), Power Supply Board (Right)

Full Report Link describing methods and validation:


Metal Detector

Using a series of Mosfets in various configurations such as amplifiers, inverters, and frequency generators, created a device that when attached to a coil of wire acting as an antennae would react with the change in electric and magnetic fields causing an audible change in a speaker when in the presence of a metal

Pictures: Schematic and simulation created in LTSpice, Routing, Physical Representation Unsoldered

16 row 4 bit 6T SRAM Memory

Developed a fully working 16x4 SRAM circuit with necessary column driver, row addressor, decoder, non overlapping clock, and input register circuitry to allow for non-destructive reads and writes at a frequency of over 500 MGHz.